Copywriting – where to get ideas?
Relatively recently an interesting profession has appeared – freelancer, when an employee can safely work at home, adjust the schedule himself and, in general, be the master himself.
Of course, it is great when you can get up and go to bed when it is convenient, and you can eat when you want, allocate time for yourself when you can. The task is one – to write texts. Fascinated by these prospects, many are almost abandoned their previous work and registered at various sites for freelancing. And, the most interesting is that half of such “daredevils” just “wash their hands” and never return to the world of freelance copywriting.
Why is it so? It turns out that copywriting and rewriting make me tired, the writer spends much energy, imagination and intellectual strength to make the article, which is given to the client, look decent and have high uniqueness.
Of course, writing highly unique texts, inserting the required number of keys in the text, composing even titles, which should also be unique and inimitable in their own way to the whole realm of the Internet – all this is difficult and tedious.
How to write texts?
In order that the writing of articles was not so boring and monotonous, you can start by writing a text about what the author knows best and what he is keenly interested in. This could be about his hobbies, hobbies, knowledge, he can give useful tips or just the information that will be useful and interesting to other potential readers, for example, fans of online gambling interesting reviews on online casinos, bonuses that they offer, gaming range, licenses and payment methods.
The text – it’s also a work of art, a treasure trove of information. And the best part – this text will be read by millions of users, because it will take its honorable place on the global web, and probably will help someone a lot. Self-awareness and global thinking in this situation is valuable.
Despite the fact that freelancing involves working from home, it doesn’t mean that time and effort can just be wasted. The difficulty with remote work is that the freelancer must calculate his or her own precious time, and it is in this area that time is money. If the person will vegetate in YouTube, Facebook and TikTok instead of working, he won’t earn anything, or will earn pennies.
This is especially true for beginners, because it is very difficult and time-consuming for the “newcomers” in this field. It is necessary to allocate the necessary time to perform the orders and the number of tasks for one working day. This can be every day for 4-5, or even 8 hours, and can be once a week, for example – on Sunday from 9.00 to 19.00.
This is the scheme of work implies a quiet, fruitful and energy-saving work of a freelancer. Next, the organization and its own labor discipline. This item is designated for a reason, as boredom and emptiness can get tired very quickly. It is necessary to keep a log of the work performed, in which each order should be recorded, including the deadline for its implementation, the number of characters, the subject, who the customer.
When a job is completed, it is recorded in the log as completed. This is especially true for those performers who have many orders from different performers. Owning such an “archive” makes it easier to navigate.

What do copywriters need?
In the world of seo copywriting there are two main parties involved: customers and authors. As a rule, the requirements are related to copywriters: what to write, how and for whom, and also to be attentive and not to demand too much money…. Performers, in turn, have their own ideas about the ideal customer, with whom it would be pleasant and efficient to cooperate.
So, the ideal customer combines these traits:
- He clearly, in detail formulates the terms of reference.
- He criticizes constructively: he points out errors, logical inaccuracies, his remarks, without going beyond the terms of reference.
- He is honest: if the articles are needed to sell, the ideal customer says so openly, and authors have no illusions about adding to their portfolio.
- He lets authors use their articles or links to them online for the portfolio, or he justifiably refuses.
- He is willing to engage in an active dialogue through personal correspondence to clarify any working points.
- He does not rush with deadlines (he does not demand to hand over before the original time).
- His requirements for the articles do not change when the order is already in the work.
- He checks the work promptly (at least not longer than it is created).
- And, of course, he pays generously for good work and does not skimp on feedback, if those are deserved by the author. Also, the order executors sometimes need the customer to meet the deadlines, because the circumstances that prevent them from writing an article on time can be really serious.
Every copywriter, without exception, dreams about such a customer, about cooperation with him on a permanent basis. You can see that none of the traits of the ideal customer does not touch his personality, that is, executors do not need a person to change in character. Any webmaster or site owner who decided to click on the button “Create an order”, in the power to adhere to the principles mentioned. That’s how a strong bridge is built between the customer and the author, that’s how effective, long-lasting working tandems are created. Is there anything better in the big and interesting world of copywriting?